Groove Capital Blog

Angel Fest 2024 Recap - Hello From the Other Side

Mickayla Rosard

29 July 2024

The Angel Fest 2024 recap series continues with more thrilling insight into the world of angel investing and startups. This panel, including Carson Kipfer, Kasey Worrell, and Derek Rucker, focuses on three founders looking at how their perspective on investing and entrepreneurship has changed, having seen both sides of the coin.

Red Light, Green Light

This fast-paced section gives a high level view of the best (and worst) entrepreneurship practices. Hear from these seasoned professionals and don’t make the same mistakes!

Relationship Advice 

This section looks at what investors can offer, and gain, from angel investing. The relationship between a founder and the angel, especially early on, is very important. Both sides want the other to succeed, so focus on building strong, trusting connections. 


For angels, a major exit is the goal. In this section, these veteran founders go over their exit experiences, and share advice on the steps required to achieve the desired outcome.

What Guides Your Investments?

The potential for financial returns is a primary reason to invest. But beyond this, angel investing allows you to fund the future, while creating a positive impact. In this section, the panelists cover their personal investing theses, sharing what inspires them to participate.

The Investor vs. Founder Position

There is value and reward in being both a founder and investor, but which is the better position to be in? Having experienced both, what would these panelists do if they had to pick a side?

Being a founder or an investor requires grit, resilience, and a leap of faith. The journey is difficult, but the payoff can be huge. Do you have what it takes?

Mickayla Rosard

Mickayla Rosard has bolstered the entrepreneurship ecosystem through access to capital. Throughout her career she has procured $138 million of investment into the upper Midwest. Mickayla's focus at Groove Capital is investor relations and growing the angel network. Mickayla also is a Fellow at Forge North, leading a statewide project to engage more angel investors, especially women and minorities. Mickayla first cut her teeth in venture in 2009 at Dakota Venture Group. She holds FINRA series 63 and 82 securities licenses.

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